This Wellness Collective Masterclass is for entrepreneurs, business owners, and non-profit leaders, or anyone who has a dream or vision for 2025 that they would like to move forward into sustainable action!
Hosted by Stephanie Alston, owner of Santosha Yoga Collective, and Ranger Kielak, holistic success coach.
Our Masterclass series meets once per month on Second Saturdays. You can join into one class, or all 4!
January 11: Setting Intentions (taking your vision into action)
February 8: Breaking Through the Noise (clearing the barriers that get in the way of change)
March 8: Chunking Down Your Goals (creating stepping stones to land softly as you leap)
April 12: Accountability and Unexpected Opportunities (ongoing support and learning how to pivot)
Classes will include a blend of therapeutic yoga techniques for managing stress and setting clear focus, along with lecture topics and interactive projects. Workbook and group coaching activities included!
Classes are $75 each, or $277 for the whole series when you sign up before January 5th.–series.html