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Member Directory

Wallis Specialty Painting

Arts | Home-garden | Painting

Hillery Wallis

(916) 316-0879

Murals, Faux, Graphics, Interior Painting

Residential and Commercial

Loomis Quilt & Fiber Guild

Arts | Clubs_civic_organizations | Non-profits

Barbara Harmon
P.O. Box 1666
Loomis, Ca 95650
(916) 778-9795
Description: The Loomis Quilt and Fiber Guild (LQ & FG) was the brainstorm of Alanna Butts and several very dedicated quilters. The purpose of the Guild is "to promote cooperation and interchange of ideas among those engaged or interested in quilting and fiber arts: to maintain high standards of design and technique; to instruct its members in methods and techniques to stimulate interest therein in the community and to hold meetings for the interchange of ideas and to inspire personal achievement."

Helen W. Phillips

Arts | Associate-members

(916) 652-6870

Description: Batik artist, Associate Member of the Loomis Basin Chamber of Commerce

Kimber Chin

Arts | Reiki

Kimber Chin
3130 Stanford Ranch Rd, Suite 2404
Rocklin CA 95765
(916) 316-4156